O2 Recycle

Learn more about O2 Recycle

Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 48 Hours
Contact Number: 0345 505 0202
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.o2recycle.co.uk
Still Operating: Yes
O2 Recycle logo

In their own words:

O2 Recycle is the commercial brand of Telefónica UK Limited and is a leading digital communications company with the highest customer satisfaction for any mobile provider according to Ofcom. With over 25 million customers, O2 runs 2G, 3G and 4G networks across the UK, as well as operating O2 Wifi and owning half of Tesco Mobile. O2 has over 450 retail stores and sponsors The O2, O2 Academy venues and England Rugby. Read more about O2 at o2.co.uk/news.