Love Fone

Learn more about Love Fone

Payment Speed: 24 Hours
Contact Number: 020 7078 4341
Email: [email protected]
Still Operating: No
Love Fone logo

In their own words:

Have you ever come across a neighborhood shop run by nice people that do a few things well? When it comes to fixing things, that's us. When it comes to soup, it's Shoop a few doors down (really you should try them).

We’ve grown a bit since our early days and we’re now a team of 15 spread across Holborn, Goodge St., Brixton and Greenwich. We love repairing things and we love how happy people are when we bring their precious devices back to life. I suppose that explains the big green heart (with wifi inside).

Unfortunately repair has become a bit of a lost art in today’s society. It’s not that people don’t like to repair things (they do) but rather that the stuff of today is designed to be disposable. Even if you really want to repair something the manufacturer often makes the process so difficult or expensive you give up.

Thankfully that’s starting to change with mobile devices and we hope it spreads to all areas of consumer electronics. Repair is a noble industry that employs local people and keeps stuff going longer and out of the landfill. We’re moving toward a circular economy and repair is right at the centre of it.

Finally a shout out to some inspiring change makers on the repair scene; The Restart Project who are promoting DIY repair to reduce the global stream of e-Waste, iFixit who are creating crowd sourced repair manuals for all electronics, CrackedIT, a UK social enterprise training up at-risk young people on phone repair and Fairphone who are making modular phones designed to last.