Fone Hub

Learn more about Fone Hub

Payment Method: Cash, Bank Transfer
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 48 Hours
Contact Number: 02034905313
Email: [email protected]
Still Operating: Yes
Fone Hub logo

In their own words:

FoneHub Limited is an environmentally friendly and socially responsible mobile phone recycling company in London (UK), providing comprehensively managed recycling solutions in mobile phone recycling. With more than 15 years of experience in the mobile phone recycling industry, our founders are highly motivated in help protecting the environment.

Recycling mobile phone(s) with FoneHub Limited is a quite easy process where a customer is required to register their phone(s), post them and wait for payment in just two working days. Mobile phone recycling at FoneHub Limited is customer centric and our friendly customer care team makes the entire process hassle free with speedy turnaround times.