
Learn more about envirofone

Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 24 Hours
Contact Number: 0333 321 3441
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.envirofone.com/en-gb/sell
Still Operating: Yes
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In their own words:

Envirofone is the UK’s leading mobile phone recycler and we’ve paid out over £160 million over the past 10 years. Selling your old mobile and making some money could not be easier. Over 4 million people in the UK have sold their mobiles to Envirofone.
You can sell any make of mobile phone to us including smart phones e.g. you can sell your iPhone, sell a Blackberry, HTC or Samsung Galaxy. People also sell a wide selection of older mobile phones like a Nokia 6300 or an iPhone 4 to help pay for a new phone that they really want. So if you want to sell your mobile phone and earn some money go to Envirofone.