Cash My Fone

Learn more about Cash My Fone

Payment Method: Cash, Bank Transfer, PayPal
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 24 Hours
Contact Number: 0208 090 2548
Email: [email protected]
Still Operating: No
Cash My Fone logo

In their own words:

Cash My Fone is a UK based mobile phone recycling company with 10 years industry experience, and as well as being professional, are friendly and personal with deep care for the environment. That is what is most important to them.

The majority of working phones received are sold on to countries in Africa, the Far East and eastern Europe, where they are reused. Not only does this help the environment, it gives people all over the world access to mobile phone technology. Mobile phones received in a non-working state, unrepairable or too old to sell on are striped for useful parts and valuable metals. They then come in very handy for repairs and parts for other mobile phones. Any unusable pieces will always be disposed of in a responsible and humane way.

Claiming to never be beaten on price, Cash My Fone always strives to offer the highest prices on the market. They claim to guarantee highest prices and if they can be beaten then they want to hear about it.

Cash My Fone pride themselves on good customer experiences, that's why you can find them highly recommended on some of the UK's most trusted review websites.

Above all, Cash My Fone care about the customers. That’s why they've made the mobile phone recycling process speedy and straightforward. They won't leave you hanging around waiting for payment long after you’ve sent your handsets and they claim to simply never be beaten on price.