
Learn more about Camorada

Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 24 Hours
Contact Number: 01706210811
Email: [email protected]
Still Operating: Yes
Camorada logo

In their own words:

Camorada are a specialist recycler of cameras and camcords, they focus on this sector with an aim to get the best cash prices for cameras and camcorders.

There's nothing worse than seeing photography and video equipment going to waste and as Camorada are passionate about this area they're keen to see old unused kit put ack to use.

Whether you're looking to cash in your old camera or camcorder to buy a new one, have an unused camera you don't need any more or have a broken camera or camcorder it makes sense to send it to Camorada and get cash for it.

Keep in mind that there are markets around the world where older technology is still in demands and your old camera could find a happy home.