Alpha Recycle

Learn more about Alpha Recycle

Payment Method: Cash, Bank Transfer
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 24 Hours
Contact Number: 0845 4632 196
Email: [email protected]
Still Operating: No
Alpha Recycle logo

In their own words:

We buy your used mobile phones of all kinds, either in a good or a poor quality and bring them to use again. Either by restoring it so that it could be used by others or by recycling it and extracting reusable parts and materials from it. What remains of the phone is then disposed off in an environmental friendly way.

We are not just an environmentally friendly and responsible organization we are also very keen about our customer’s satisfaction. We take our customers and their reviews very seriously and always strive to ensure the fulfilment of our customer’s contentment. However, if there is anything that you think needs clarification or makes you uncomfortable please don’t hesitate to Ask Us.