
Learn more about 4gadgets

Payment Method: Bank Transfer, PayPal
Free Post: Yes
Free Returns: Yes
Payment Speed: 48 Hours
Contact Number: 0333 207 9424
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.4gadgets.co.uk/sell-my
Still Operating: Yes
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In their own words:

We’re not like other second-hand phone brands.

We know, we know... that’s what they all say. But we really mean it, and here's why.

We’re 4gadgets, a second-hand, used, and refurbished technology brand which has been working to change the refurb tech market for the better since we launched in April 2015. We think everyone should be able to get their hands on their dream mobile phone handsets and other devices, ensuring the best possible quality at the lowest possible price. Everything we do aims to make that dream a reality.